Thursday, May 24, 2018

Project of Influence: Album 3

The Album: Fleetwood Mac Rumors

The Story: My mom was one of those people who loved to drive around and play music. Some nights we'd do this for hours. She would drink and smoke and sing. Yes, I know that's not the most responsible setup for parenting in the world, but it was the '70s.

Anyway, Rumors was one of those albums played quite often. I still remember the thrill of the sound of kaTHUNK of the cassette tape being pushed into the player (jimmied into the car because it didn't come with one) and the sound of white noise before this album would begin. Songs about breaking up, hurting, anger, and other aspects of relationships followed. Stevie's songs were (and still are) my favorite because they talked about dreams and kingdoms and seemed to be telling some deep truth I needed (as a future grownup woman) to understand.

Side note: As a small child, I thought when they sang "Chains keep us together" they were singing "Heeey here comes the devil" and I would hide my face because it scared me.

Thank you to: Mom

The Lesson Learned: Pain, like every other part of life, is a gift. It can be used for creation and even though that pain is felt in a personal way, it can be understood universally.

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