Sunday, May 27, 2018

Project of Influence Album 6

The Album: Dreamboat Annie by Heart

The Story: In my little kid mind, the dream guy I was planning was someone like the guy in 'Magic Man'. Seductively casual, welcoming, someone you could really sink your fangs into. Of course, I knew I would be just as amazing (in my little kid mind), so it seemed like a great match. The Wilson sisters could create rough rock songs and then turn around and make something ethereal and sweet. They were complex and majestic and I adored this album.

Thank you to: The Wilson sisters.

The Lesson Learned: Speak up about the things you want. Talk about your dreams and wishes and desires. Be forward and direct.  A lot of people use the word 'forward' in a negative way when it comes to women but who cares what those people think.

I read an article about Ann Wilson recently where she talked about all the compromises she made so Heart could be more pleasing to people. This wasn't an image change SHE wanted. It was one suggested by her record label/people who do that kind of thing. Heart's music went softer, her sister was featured more, she was pushed to the background so people wouldn't notice she was fat now. It ruined them.

I've noticed in my life that any time I ceded control of my image, I've suffered for it. My guess is that is true for everyone.

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