Sunday, March 10, 2013

Daylight Saving's Time, My Old Friend

I seriously dislike Daylight Saving's Time, but in the interest of trying not to be such a dour old bitty, I'm going to write a positive post about it and really try not be be sarcastic. This isn't going to be easy, because I'm tired and grumpy because I had to wake up an hour earlier, but here goes.

This winter has been very dreary. We've had so many dark days, so many gray days. While we had only small amounts of snow, we've had long extended periods of wet, cold, and damp. All of this dreariness has just intensified the sense of loss, hurt, and fear that has clung to me all winter.

I think I need the sunlight for a while. I need to have evenings with light and warmth. I need to have mornings where I wake to the sound of birds chirping and a sky full of blue and brightness. I need to see flowers poking their little heads up towards the sky. I need the buzz of bees and the elegance of butterflies. I need to feel the excitement of renewal, the joy of Spring, and the lengthening of days.

 Spring is a beautiful time of year. It's an important time of year. Of course we would do everything we could to spend as much time with it as we could. Of course we would want kids to have more hours to play outside. Yes, we want people to have endless sunlight so they can work in their years and grill out and enjoy nature.

I want to enjoy it as well. I want to sit on my porch and pet the outdoor cats and knit. I want to talk to my roommate about the flowers that are blooming and enjoy listening to the birds and watching them dance in the Springtime puddles.

OH WOW this sounds sarcastic and cheesy, but I really do mean it. This non-dour thing is harder than I thought.

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