Monday, March 11, 2013

Yarn and Kinship and Stuff

My roommate has always been a very talented crocheter, but developed a sensitivity to the yarn and can't do it that often. However, recently he started working with a type of hook he didn't know that well and has started to do some crocheting again. I'm quite pleased about this. It means we get to work on our projects together and for some reason, that is a very bonding kind of experience for me. To me, it's one of the things that defines our household as a home.

There is something very wonderful for me about having someone else work on a fiber arts project while I do. It's very contenting to watch someone else create with yarn while I'm doing the same. I like looking at their progress. I like listening to them tell me about their experience. It just makes me seriously happy.

To a lesser extent, I feel the same kind of happy when I watch YouTube videos on how to knit stuff. On one hand, yes, I'm learning things. But on the other, I feel this connection to the instructors, because I know that to some extent, they feel the same way about knitcraft as I do. I love the kinship of yarn. I love that the internet has brought knitters even closer together, given us communities, Pinterest boards, and even theme songs.

As much as I love that cyberspace yarn family though, I am so happy and excited that I'm getting to experience my roommate doing projects again. It's an elation I've missed. I can't wait to see what he creates.

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