Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Adventure of Ruffian

Yesterday we had to have the plumbers come by and fix some stuff. They were like four hours late, but they weren't that expensive, so I was cool with it.  Even though having workers in the house is usually the major drama happening, in this case, it wasn't.

While the plumbers were at the hardware store, my roommate went into his bedroom and suddenly I hear, "Now how did YOU get into the house?" He asked me to come into his room and when I did, I found Mr. Ruffian Cat lounging in the middle of his bed.

Ever since having The Chop, Mr. Ruffian has packed on quite a lot of weight. It's actually a little bit difficult to pick him up these days. Needless to say, he took up quite a lot of the bed. We were both bemused and charmed by this. I picked him up and carried him into the living room.  Ruffian likes to be nuzzled, cuddled, and kissed, which is a nice change from the usual indoor cats.

Eventually, after some drama, he was taken back outside. I hate that. I don't like keeping cats outdoors, because I feel like I can't protect them enough. However, Ruffian has been around longer than we've been in this house, and it's unlikely he'll ever be comfortable inside for long periods at a time. We would probably always have a battle to keep him from shooting out the door whenever we'd open it.

I like to imagine that he bragged to the other cats about his adventure into the foreign land. He talked about climbing the great Mountain of Blankets and being held by the snuggle monster. He told a long tale of his harrowing attempt to evade capture and his eventual return to the 'civilized' world of Outside. He probably expects this story to get him a rather high standing with the other cats, but it probably won't work.

After all, they've heard me talking to him in babytalk.

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