Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Failing at Numbers

A couple of weeks ago, I made an appointment to go see my doctor. When I talked to receptionist, I reminded her that the doc said I needed to be there as early on that day as they could get me in. She said she understood and told me I was to be there at 7:15. I wasn't happy about it, but I told her that time was fine and hung up.

Later, while discussing the appointment with my roommate, we both agreed that 7:15 was way early to go see a doctor (or anyone). He smiled and told me I was on my own about waking up, as he would not be up at that time and would not be awake to remind me to pull my sleepy sad self out of bed. I decided just to set my phone alarm, but even still, the time seemed off.

Off and on, we would discuss the appointment being so early and speculate as to why this was happening. He suggested that perhaps she was seeing people really early so that lab work could be sent off as soon as possible. This made a certain kind of sense. There are also a lot of people who have 8-5 jobs, so perhaps opening at seven was just her way of trying to free up more time for them. We wondered if opening so early was perhaps a way for her to see people before making rounds at the hospital.

Yet, despite all the logical reasons we could find, I just simply could not accept that I was to be at the doctor's that early in the morning. Today, I called her office to confirm the time of the appointment. The date was correct and the time . . . was 10:15. Ten . . .

Okay, I know I am getting older and my hearing is shot due to years of loud music and earphones, but I have no idea how I heard 'seven' for 'ten. NO CLUE! I keep saying the two words and I don't even see them as that close no matter what kind of accept I try to use. Was I just not paying attention? Did the girl get confused? Was I? I honestly couldn't tell you.

What I do know is that I don't have to be into the doc's office until ten. I get to sleep to a reasonable hour and shower in the morning instead of the night before. I get to be reasonably awake, meaning I stand a better chance of remembering everything I wanted to discuss with her. Ten is a good thing! It's so much better than seven. It's really so much better than seven that I'm not even going to feel embarrassed that I can no longer hear numbers.

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