Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Monday?

My roommate thought it was Friday all day and I honestly have no idea what day I thought it was. Wednesday? Who knows? Intellectually, of course, we both knew it was Monday. It just didn't feel like Monday. Maybe there was a lack of pain and suffering? I'm still not really sure. Anyway, by evening, we convinced ourselves it truly was Monday and watched our Monday shows as a reward.

We watched the next to last episode of Siberia. Siberia is really awful and has very few likable characters on it. It's kind of a cross between a fake reality show and a horror show that has very little actual horror to it. There is a lot of build up, with very little payoff. Yet, somehow, it's oddly entertaining. Maybe it's because I wanted a lot of these people to bite it. Sadly, most of them didn't.

One of my friends recently mentioned that the weeks when Summer is winding down and Fall is starting to really happen are like the hardest weeks of the year. Maybe they're not for some people, but for me, and for other people who truly love Autumn, these last weeks of Summer always suck. I want it to be over. I want my Fall shows and my hoodie. I want to sleep under blankets and not have to park the van almost to the edge of the driveway so that it will be in shade. I'm really over this Summer stuff. It needs to end.

Aww, see? I'm still complaining about the weather, even though I intended not to. Oh well, I also thought I would be past the worst of it when I made that promise. That somehow didn't happen. The best laid plans, you know . . .

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