Friday, September 27, 2013

The Boys Want to Be Her

I'm listening to Peaches and pouring through pics of short hair styles. I want something different, something new. I think I just need the change, something to celebrate the White Trash Violet my hair will soon be. I want something more edgy, more punky. Right now, I feel like that's what I need.

It was a good day. My roommate and I did our shopping with little to no problem. He wrote his 1,000th blog post, which is just amazing. I'm so proud of him. I got to pet on Clem for a while and the girl kitties weren't brats. Undercoats are starting to grow in, which means that all kitty fur is softer.

I hope we can get a picture of Clem soon. Right now, I'm not sure how that is going to happen because he is very skittish around us. A camera might freak him out badly. Still, he's a cute little kitty and I'd love to be able to show him to everyone. He as the most beautiful eyes.

We're inching ever closer to October, which as you know is my favorite month of the year. I get to paint my SIL like a zombie and I'm still debating about what I may do to decorate myself. Plus, there will be candy at some point. That's always good. I really really need to call my dad this weekend and remind him that I'm still alive. October's end is the start of the holiday season and the sooner I know how things are being planned out, the better.

Until then, I'm going to bask in the changing of leaves and the ever softening of kitty cats.

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