Friday, September 6, 2013

Flash Dance

Several days ago, I had an episode where I got hellishly hot, really to the point of almost passing out. The thing is, it was hot that day. The AC was on and I happened to be in my room at the time, which was hotter than the rest of the house. I brushed it off as just one of those things.

Today though, it happened again. The process was slower and I noticed that unlike the rest of the time when I get hot, this was more of a hot from inside me that radiated outward. It was sudden and pretty horrible. I felt queasy and regretted everything I'd eaten for days. In fact, the idea of food disgusted me. I stayed in my room until the worst of it was over. As I was recovering, I began to accept the reality of what this was. I was having a hot flash.

In one way, I guess this is good news. I never wanted kids and the idea of getting past the 'fertile' stage of my life is pretty awesome. I can continue on without pads or tampons or all that other stuff. On the other hand, this hot flash thing was goddamned horrible and I now understand why menopausal women decide to hate the world.

I'm seeing my doctor next month and this will certainly be discussed. I've read up on herbals, but I don't like one of them and can't take one of them, so we'll see if there are alternatives. There are other things I can do, though honestly, the main ones seem to involve just trying not to get too hot. Stellar advice, people. Seriously.

Anyway, so this is the new phase of my life. I suppose this kind of thing happens once people hit my age. It's odd, really. Then again, the alternative to aging doesn't really sound all that appealing.

Though of these hot flashes get any worse, it might.

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