Monday, September 2, 2013

Posts from Former Days

Because I lack focus tonight, I decided I would look back at last year's post and the year before that's post and see what I was writing about. As usual, it wasn't what I thought it would be. I thought by September of last year, I was still deep in the emotional pit of writing about my school years. I guess I'd quit by then.

Interestingly enough, the posts had a common theme, even though they were a year apart. Last year's post was about me trying to be positive and even fluffy about my life, even though things were hot and kind of shitty. I talked about how Sims 3: Supernatural was coming out and it would be mine (one way or the other). I talked about how I was looking forward to wearing hoodies again and having cats who wanted to cuddle with me. I talked about how I would get to soon close up the house and not have to deal with freaky scary mutant bugs crawling on me.

Over all, I was just trying my best to stay positive. I've been told that if you make a habit of positive thinking, you'll get addicted to those chemicals and try to keep yourself there. So far, that's not worked for me, but I have hope.

The year before that, my post was about those little games that used to happen on Facebook where people would try to raise cancer awareness by listing their bra color or their shoe size. That kind of thing seems to have stopped. I find that a little sad because it was harmless, but also a little relieving because people were trying to do them all the time.

Anyway, my post was about the fact that I liked this kind of awareness raising because it allowed you to think about the very dangerous and serious issue of breast cancer in a way that didn't require it to be dangerous or serious. I discussed the fact that people can usually digest information when they're not having negative emotions about it. With something like breast cancer, that isn't easy. But in this case, it was a small something that could perhaps help.

So as you can see, two years running we witnessed one of the constant challenges of my life. Even in the midst of all the bad and all the negative, I try to find some way to stay happy about things. This isn't the pattern of thought I was raised with, but it is the one I'm trying (and usually failing) to cultivate as an adult. Honestly, because life is just too short to spend it being unhappy all the time.

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