Sunday, January 26, 2014

Depo Update

This is the end of the first weekend on Depo Provera. So far I have been overly paranoid, otherwise emotional, and suffering from a headache. I also have a backache, lots of fatigue, less focus than usual. All of these things, mind you, could be the after effects of being in bloodhell for the last 2 weeks and not side effects of the drug, even though they all are side effects of the drug. I just need to stay aware of them.

I haven't stopped bleeding. It has lessened, but it has never stopped. Breakthrough bleeding can also be a side effect of Depo, so either what was in my system is just slowly winding down or this isn't going to ever stop at all. Sigh. I really hope it's winding down. I am so sick of this.

So far, the backache is the worst development. I can't get comfortable, no matter how I lay or sit. I honestly feel like crying it gets so bad sometimes. Again, I'm not sure if the backache is an after effect of what has happened to me since Jan. 7 or a side effect of the Depo. I am also not sure if the want to cry is genuine. I just know that I don't feel comfortable in my own skin anymore and I am very tired of feeling that way.

I'm really disheartened right now. I know I only had the shot a few days ago, but it sucks that I'm seeing and experiencing a lot of the bad and not the one really good thing I wanted to come from it. I know I have to be patient, but that is kind of difficult at this point.

Maybe things will be better tomorrow.

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