Friday, January 24, 2014

Doctor Appointment

Yesterday's doctor appointment might have proved to be useful.  She says a lot of my hormonal fuckery is due to weight loss. I told her how the stuff the ER doctor gave me didn't work as much as just slow things down. She said he didn't prescribe it for long enough and that it was too late to go that route again. Instead, she had my roommate (who drove me there) go pick  up a shot of Depo Provera for me. When he brought it back, they gave me the shot, which is suppose to suppress my ovaries for the next three months. The bloodmess should stop and like should get back to normalish.

In the meantime, she wants me to consider having NovaSure done. It's less drastic than a hysterectomy and would be less time recovering. The downside is that it hurts some women like a motherfucker and only has about an 80% success rate. Though, those are good odds, really. I'm very strongly considering it because I don't want to stay on the Depo for long and having some kind of major solution would be good.

Anyway, the blood has slowed today. I'm cautiously glad about that. She said it might take a few days for the blood to completely stop (the nurse said up to seven) so I can't get my hopes up  too much.  It would be nice though because I would like to blog about something besides my uterus.

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