Friday, January 10, 2014

Freedom: Winter 2014

I've been sleeping in layers for weeks now. Every night when I would go to bed, I would have on socks, pants, underwear, an undershirt, a long sleeved shirt, a thin jacket, gloves, and a hat. This has served me well. It keeps me very warm. It is really blissful to wake up with warm hands. At the same time, this is also a really confining way to sleep. The layers start to weigh on me. The cold weather dries out my skin, which means I am always itchy under the layers, especially my back. 

Last night, it was just ever so slightly warmer than it had been. As I was getting ready for bed, I realized I could survive without the layers. I smiled at the thought, knowing that i probably wouldn't get a night like this for a while. Then I stripped down to just a long, loose nightgown and panties. It was blissful. I felt so much freedom. I stretched out, curling my toes, and sighing at how much pleasure could be found in just the simple act of being in less clothing. I swear it was like my skin was giggling. Clearly every part of my body needed this.

When I woke up this morning, I was cold. I'd curled up into fetal position in my sleep and had a blanket twisted around me.  I was also very, very well rested. I slept better than I had in weeks, mainly because I didn't have so many layers of clothing on me.

Again, it's not as cold tonight as it has been. I certainly plan on sleeping in just the nightgown. No socks, no gloves, no jackets. I'm going to take advantage of the better weather as much as I can because I know we're in for a long, hard winter. The cats always take advantage of any sunlight they get during the day, making the most of it for as long as possible. I think this is a good lesson for everyone. In any bad patch of life, there will always be times when you can revel in a little bit of relief. It may not be much. It may only be for a few hours. If the chance comes up, however, take it. The small moments of pleasure, the tiny little freedoms, these are the things that help us to emotionally survive the hardships. Bask in the sunlight. Strip down to your panties.

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