Monday, January 27, 2014

Towels, Fatigue,.and Disappointment

I've decided to keep blogging about this evil blood thing/parimenopause as long as it is going on because I think the more information out there, the better. In a way, I feel betrayed because the older women in my life didn't discuss this, but then I remembered they had been socialized to make light of very serious matters. Discussing horrible bleeding or the other issues associated with parimenopause would have seemed like they were calling attention to themselves. I have this blog for the purpose OF calling attention to my issues, and if it helps someone else along the way, awesome.

I folded the backlog of towels today. I'm not sure how long this actually took, but it felt like it took the better part of an hour. Mind you, all I did was fold them. My roommate brought them to me and put them away. My only action was just that of folding and as we all know, folding is a pretty simple process.

Except for right now. My body is so worn down and fatigued, that the simple act of folding towels left me exhausted. I was out of breath, shaky, and just at the end of my rope by the time I was finished. It also brought on the first serious instance of bleeding-with-massive-clots that I have had since getting the Depo shot on Thursday. For about an hour and a half, I had to lay in bed and tough it out, changing the tampons as often as I could. It was a strange bleed, very pale and not that sticky. There was a massive abundance of it though, and very large clots.

During the whole ordeal, I could feel my uterus contracting as fast as it could. Maybe it was just trying to get out some left over goo. I don't know. Every time this happens, I always hope it is the last time. So far, even though I get reprieve for hours (and thankfully, sometimes days) at a time, it is always coming back now. If things don't slow down, I may have to call the Depo shot a failure and try the next step.

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