Sunday, January 12, 2014

Recent Forgotten Treasures

It seems that my niece was upset that everyone else got a beard/hat but her. I didn't exclude her to be mean. I didn't make her one because I didn't think she would be interested. I should have realized that to a youngest child: fashion < having what everyone else has.  My SIL suggested colors and said I should make it for her birthday. It's not that far off so I went ahead and did most of it today. It's adorable. I'll attach it tomorrow and then work on the jewelry I planned for her as well. That way she gets fashion AND what everyone else has. I'm awesome like that.

When I wasn't working on the hat, it seems like the rest of my time was spent putting on lip gloss. The wind and dryness in the air is causing all kinds of issues with my skin and sinuses. This is like my third straight day of sinus headaches. As much as I am enjoying the respite from freezing, I could do with a bit less sinus hell. And yes, I'm never happy where the weather is concerned.

My roommate now has a computer in the living room as well. I adore this! There is something so folksy and pleasant about us both working on computer stuff together!  I have no idea why that makes me so happy, but it totally does. He has a little stand over by the couch and we can work on stuff and talk and it's just so homey to me!

Anyway, the process of setting up a new computer is always involved, especially if you use a lot of programs. He was going through some old storage disks and found some stuff from when we lived in our first house. This was about 12 years ago. It was neat to see the things we were doing at that time. In fact, some of it involves projects that I meant to do but never got around to doing. I have more time now, so maybe that can change.

Overall, it was a peaceful Sunday. We needed a nice, peaceful day. Here's hoping we have a nice, peaceful week.

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