Friday, January 31, 2014

Goodbye, Evil January

I made it through January, even though I had some doubts about that along the way. This month sucked! I spent most of it either dealing with car issues or almost bleeding to death. I'm emotionally spent and am having a lot of trouble getting back to my usual self and usual habits. Part of me isn't sure that is even possible anymore. I guess we'll see.

I am having a lot of trouble with the hat I'm doing for commission. The yarn is screwing up my perspective and nothing I've tried so far is making it better. I'm not sure if I like where things are going now, although my roommate asked if I was trying to be professional or just being picky. I really couldn't answer him because I wasn't quite sure. I would love to believe it is just me being picky, but deep down I think the hat still sucks. I still have the weekend to finish it, so we'll see how things look tomorrow.

The hat is giving me a headache. I hope that part stops as well. Normally, working on something like this steadies my world and makes everything feel really balanced. I'm not getting that with this hat. I'm not sure if it's the yarn or just the fact that I'm not fully recovered, but every time I work on it, my brain just rebels. This is pissing me off because I can not lose the ability to do the one thing that actually makes me money. I'm hoping it's just my problem-solving reserves being used up.

RuPaul's Drag Race starts again in Feb. I'm looking forward to it and to my roommate and I subversively celebrating Valentine's Day. That's always a lot of fun. Here's to a month of better health, better weather, and the ability to conquer yarn.

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