Saturday, January 25, 2014

Progress Perhaps

The bleeding is still slowing down, although I did have some clotting when I changed things about half an hour ago. I panicked when I saw it and got really depressed because I do not want this to start again. It's scary. I'm tired of my life being dominated by uterine issues. I'm also tired of the blog being dominated by them, as I am sure you are as well.

It was nice to get something close to my normal sleep last night. I still had to wake up to deal with issues, but not as many times. Even having the small reprieve I've had gives me more strength about the whole situation. I guess I shouldn't be too worried. The nurse said it might take up to a week. I hope it doesn't, but I have to be realistic about this. So far my treatment has been hormonal and it is possible that hormones have nothing to do with what is going on. It is, so far, just their best guess.

Aside from that, since it has been ruled that the law that banned same-sex marriage in Oklahoma is unconstitutional, one of our brilliant leaders has decided the best way to combat this is to ban ALL marriage in the state. Talk about gathering up your toys and going home when someone makes you play by the rules! Idiots.

I mean,  this is fine with me. I don't believe in marriage anyway, but for all the folks out there who want to be married, why not just let them do it?  Is it really such a big deal? Really?

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