Saturday, June 21, 2014


Well, it's several days later and I'm back home. The surgery went mostly well-ish. My uterus was the size of a cantaloupe, and had to be sectioned out of my body. There is a small possibility that cancer cells could have broken free and into my vagina, meaning that I will have to have localized vaginal radiation. That sounds pretty horrible. It probably is. Still, it's better than cancer.

All things considered, it's probably better than having the c-section as well. I'm in ungodly amounts of pain just from five cuts on my belly. I can't even imagine what level of pain I'd be in if I had a larger incision. Part of the problem with that is the fact that when I was being transferred from one bed to another, my right side was pulled on fairly hard and injured. So not only do I have pain from the hysterectomy, but also pain from having my body treated roughly. I'm not happy about that, but I really don't blame anyone. I'm a difficult patient to move.

The ride home was very rough. Two hours of travel in a car is not something you should do after major surgery. By the time we got home, I was in, quite literally, more pain than I have ever been in my life. It was really the first time I questioned whether or not I could make it through this. However, some sleep and pain meds later and things were better.

Today I'm taking it easy. I'm eating simple food and trying to walk around the house some to start putting things back into their new places. One of my incision places is pretty bruised up, but I'm hoping it goes down with more walking.

I'll keep you updated.

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