Friday, December 5, 2014


I didn't blog last night because I started getting a really awful headache around ten. I should have blogged then, but I thought the headache would go away. It didn't. I basically had to sleep the damned thing off. By this morning, it was gone. I'm almost surprised by that, considering the day turned out to be dark and dismal. Well, it was dark and dismal weatherwise. The day itself was pretty great.

I spent the first part of the day with my best friend. We decorated the tree and I either held a baby or a dog almost the whole time. It was nice to spend the morning in cuddles! Later, my roommate and I did some shopping and finalized our plans for Christmas dinner. As far as that stuff goes, we're set.

December is always busy and this one will be no exception. It's proving to be even more complicated because I have two medical appointments. I didn't want to end up with two, but there you go. The medical establishment rarely does what we want it to do, does it? I'm sure I'll muddle through. I just wish I wasn't having to deal with them. However, as I am emotionally reconciled to them, they had best not be rescheduled.

I'm pretty down tonight. I'm not sure why, but I suppose these things don't always have to have a reason. Maybe tomorrow will be better for me emotionally.

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