Saturday, December 20, 2014

Rough Week is Over

I didn't write last night because I was exhausted. The last week was rough on me. I was out every day and on a couple of those days, I was out from early in the morning to pretty late that night. I know most normal people do that all the time, but I'm not really in any range of normal. It's taken a toll on my body and my mental state. I may have better stamina that I used to, but not enough to do stuff the whole week. That can't happen again, not for a while.

Having said that, yesterday was pretty great. My best friend picked me up early and we went to her house. We exchanged gifts and watched Black Adder. Then we tried to decorate a gingerbread house and my brain kind of exploded. I can do a lot of crafty things. Gingerbread house isn't one of them. Still, it was neat to get to do that with her and her kids. All in all, it was a good holiday for us.

My brother and his family picked me up and we went to my dad's house. My dad has only one chair in his living room because the other one was damaged and he got rid of it before my stepmother could find another one. So they  have a recliner and a lawn chair. They set up a card table and the card table chairs so everyone could have a seat. I sat in the recliner, because it was probably the best one to hold me.

Everyone liked the gifts I got them and I loved the gifts given to me. I now have a Crazy Cat Lady soup bowl! I feel blessed by my gifts and loved by my people.

However, I would like to say that for people who are ill, it's okay to feel relieved when the holiday obligations are over. In fact, it's okay for ANYONE to feel that way. This can be quite tiring. And as I said, I may have more stamina now than I did a year ago, but I've also been through a lot. There are depths to my fatigue and it's something I need to keep in mind.

If you have people in your life who are ill, don't be offended if they can't handle your parties or only stay a short period of time. Even showing up for an hour or two may take days of recovery for them. Yes, they want to be there. Yes, they wanted to be there for the whole thing. Sometimes, however, they just can't.

In what seems to be a theme this December, my living room heater is trying to mess up. I get it. It's old. It probably needs a part or the whole of itself replaced by now. However, this just really isn't good timing. It took what was supposed to be my day of recovery and turned into a day of 'how the hell will we pay for that?' Sigh

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