Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sims 4 Deaths in the Family

Memsi has this huge social media thing going on. She takes pictures all the time. Most of them are selfies. When she's feeling generous, she'll take pictures with her twin or with Don.

I'm not really sure if the social media stuff offers any real benefit to the sim. I let her do the activities every day, but I can't see they are doing her any good. I guess in that way, it' s like social media in the real world.

Even still, it makes her happy to take pictures of herself or with her sister or boyfriend. She never takes pictures with her parents. Actually, now, she really can't. Her mother recently died. The girls weren't all that upset about it, but their father is devastated. When I don't have him doing something else, his constant activity is weeping at his wife's urn. This is one way in which emotions really are more complex in Sims 4. In previous versions of the game, when a sim died, people were upset for a few days. In four, grief is handled more like it is in real life. For some people, it never goes away.

 Speaking of more complex emotions, when the girls (and Don) aged into adults, the annoyance Clara seems to feel about their relationship continued. I often find that when they're being loving and happy, she'll come in and sit near them, with this just deeply unhappy look in her eyes.
 The problem with that is it's keeping her from doing the things I wanted her to do. For instance, imagine my happiness when we found a very rare cowplant seed in the river behind the Goth's house! This was so great! Clara, who was the only person in the house with any kind of gardening skill (Don often trims the bonsai, but I think he just likes the fact that the interaction is called 'trimming the bush.') has been taking care of the plants. Except, I looked over at the cowplant and it was dead. Dammit, Clara, you had ONE JOB. ONE!
My guess is that she'll soon let the rest of the plants die as well. While Memsi and Don were on one of their dates, she rolled up the want to propose. I let this happen, and even let them elope while they were in the bar. It seemed like something Don Lothario would like.

Of all the things that have been included in Sims 4, I think I like the dating option the best out of all the other incarnations. It has more to it than the blah that was in three, but it's not as complex and insanely impossible as it was in 2. When you choose the interaction, it takes you to a loading screen so you can pick your public place. Both sims show up at the same time. There is one large goal and then four or five smaller ones. On my first date, I didn't complete all of them, but on all the dates since, I have.

Anyway, so Memsi and Don are married now. Even though he has a complicated relationship with past generations of her family, my cheating ways have led to him leaving HIS cheating ways. In fact, his current aspiration is to become soulmates with Memsi.

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