Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Last Day of Rest

My weekend wasn't the best it could have been. Emotionally, I've been all over the place and for some reason, I can't seem to shake this headache. It may have something to do with the weather. There have been a lot of pressure changes. Maybe it's just stress over my doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Whatever the case, this is basically my last day of being in the house for a while. I have to be out doing something every day this week. Mind you, most of it is stuff I want to do, so that's fine. It's just going to be tiring.

The cat has decided to occupy the ottoman again, which means she is mostly spending time on my feet. When she thinks I'm not paying attention to her, she'll snap at me (sometimes literally) and give me accusing looks until I pet her. Of course, once I do, she acts offended that I touched her. Cats.

Tomorrow I'll be wrapping gifts. That's always amusing. I never really got the hang of wrapping things well. Usually, I go for gift bags, but this year I have a lot of square things, so it only makes sense that they be wrapped. We'll see how it goes. One would think at 40, I'd be able to figure that out. Then again, that could apply to a lot of things.

There is a lot of stuff I need to be reading right now. It really frustrates me that I can't seem to focus enough to read for any length of time. Probably just part of the healing phase or my meds making me wonky. I really don't know. I just wish it would stop.

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