Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday List: The List of Hopes

*sings, off key and autotuned* It's FRIDAY FRIDAY! Gonna make a list on FRIDAY! Even though no one will read it. Read it!  FRIDAY! FRIDAY!

Ehh, you get the point.  Dammit! Now that "song" is stuck in my head.  Oh well, I did it to myself.  I tend to do that a lot. Actually, my roommate is bad about putting songs in my head. Evil thing.

Anyway, as summer continues to suck and be hot, as fleas continue to suck and be fleas, as well, you get the idea . . . I'm going to make this Friday List about things I hope will happen.  Jaded, screwed up people like me tend to avoid the hope thing.  Mostly because we often hope for stuff only to get disappointed.  But I'm trying to live in a more positive way and, perhaps, hope for things that are more basic, more fundamental.

With that in mind, here is my List of Hopes.

1. I hope that we all learn to make decisions based on what is best for us.

Too often we're taught that doing what is best for us is selfish . . . mostly because those who taught us this had a vested interest in us sacrificing what is best for us to  do what is best for them. This is complete bullshit.

If you are doing what is truly best for you, it is also best for those connected to you. If you are making the best decisions about your health, your well-being, your future, then you are doing what is right.  If other people don't like this, they certainly don't have your best interests in mind.  They're best avoided.

2. I hope we all become braver.  I'm an American, this whole home of the free and the brave thing.  Personally, I think we've been making decisions, as individuals and as a nation, that are based in fear and not in logic. This is no way to run a country and no way to live your life.

Be brave.  Whatever it is that you want to say or do or change, do it.  Don't let the fear hold you back. Don't let worry about how others will react stop you.  If you're in an unhappy marriage, leave.  If you're in the closet, come out.  If you want to go swimming but are scared people will make fun of you, by god, go swim your little heart out and fuck the haters. This is your life, dammit. Don't live it in fear.

3. I hope we all become more stable.  Financially stable, physically stable, socially stable, mentally stable, all of it.  I think stability is so needed right now.  Too many of us have just been randomly bouncing around like some ball in an old pinball machine.  We need to find the ground and touch it for a while. Stability.  This one is really important.

4. I hope we all find time to spend with those we love.  Out of the blue the other day, my nephew called me. It was a simple thing, but the surprised and unexpectedness of it was just a delight to me. It truly made my day.  I think it's time we concentrate more on the small moments of happy with each other. A conversation, a shared joke, a simple meal, coffee, anything at all spent with someone you care about makes all the difference in your life.

5. I hope we all get more sleep.  Ahh, sleep. It's such a beautiful thing. Yes, we need sleep, we need our rest.  Rested people will be able to handle all that other stuff I listed so much better. Sleep is important, needful, and really cool. After all, when we sleep, we get to dream weird shit.

And in the end, is there anything better than weird shit?

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