Friday, June 10, 2011

It Went Snap!

I have some posts I keep on draft for nights like this, but even they couldn't be worked through tonight.  I'm just not in a good mood. I'm drained and really emotionally exhausted.  I'm also upset because I'm trying to live my life in a more positive manner and the heat is just destroying all of that for me.

We learned so much about how to handle the fleas last year that I really thought we'd have a handle on them this year.  Ohhhh but we don't.  They're everywhere. And all the vacuuming and spraying and washing doesn't seem to be making a dent. It's so discouraging.

And potentially deadly.  My roommate's blood work came up wonky. The only thing about his routine that has changed is that he's been spraying bug poison and using flea shampoo on the cats.  It's probably poisoning him as well. So not only are the fleas hurting my cats, they're hurting my friend.

Sometimes, I really hate nature.

And, I hate really hating nature.  Because I should like nature. I do like nature, in theory. But in my theory, nature doesn't have fleas or temperature in three digits.  Oh, or birds that wake me up at six in the morning. Asshole birds.

Anyway, I got to get back at nature a little this evening.  We needed to trim some of the bushes in the front yard.  They're near the porch so I could sit on the railing and do it. Hah!  Take that nature! Lopped off your leafy head!

Wow, even writing that, I enjoyed it way too much for it to be healthy.

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