Sunday, June 19, 2011

In Which She Says Grrrrr!

I got into another war with the cat tonight over the state of her fur and fleas. I think I lost again. I'm really not sure....but yeah, I think I did. Really tired of this war.  Also really tired of losing battles and skin.

It seems that Bristol Palin is "writing" a biography.  You know, of all the things about Sarah Palin that annoy me, the Bristol issue is probably the biggest.  Being a pregnant unwed teenager is never easy, but add to it the fact that your mother is running for vice-president and representing the people who hate unwed teenaged mothers and it becomes a million more times difficult.

After Sarah lost the election, Bristol is packed up and basically sent on this tour of America representing the cause of abstinence.  I know she got paid for it, but still. Who lets their emotionally vulnerable and still teenaged daughter be paraded across the country like some remorseful, reformed whore to talk about how pathetic and shitty her life choices have been?

Then Bristol ends up on Dancing with the Stars.  This could have actually been a good thing for her, but sadly, it ended up never being about her.  Here she was, not the most fit girl to begin with, working her ass off to learn these dances and then going through the humiliation of not doing them very well, only to be kept week after week . . . and probably more for Mommy than for herself. Yes, Bristol does all the work, Sarah gets all the press.

Now the girl has this book coming out and she's saying that when she lost her virginity to Levi, they were in a tent and she had so many wine coolers that she blacked out and had no idea what happened. The only reason she knew she had sex was because the next morning she heard him bragging to his friends about it.  The thing is, blacked out sex is sex without consent. Sex without consent is rape.

So one of two things is the reality here. Either Bristol was told by some idiot to spin her losing her virginity this way, thinking it would make her look more sympathetic and it didn't happen . . . or she was raped.  So either she will soon be sued for libel by Levi and lose whatever small bit of credibility she had left . . . or her mother forced her to make nice with the boy who raped her and pretend like they were going to get married.  Either way, it's horrible.

Ignoring politics and political issues, ignoring the stupid things Sarah and Bristol have both said over the past couple of years, I still find myself quite angry at Sarah Palin for all of this.  She should have protected her child.  She should have told McCain's people that her family were off limits.  She should have told the press to mind their own damned business where her kids were concerned.  We shouldn't know anything about Bristol, beyond just the fact that she's Sarah's daughter.  Her private life should have stayed just that.

Sarah Palin says she is a Mama Grizzly. Fine. BE that. Fiercely protect your young.  Stop tossing them out into the cold and acting like they'll make perfectly logical adult decisions.  It's just not going to happen.

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