Thursday, June 23, 2011

Prison friends, Christian Porn, and Smoke through Neck Holes

I've had the hypnosis cd for a week now. I finally got around to ripping it and putting it on my GoGear. I labed it "FatbeGone." We'll see how it goes. I'll either start focusing more on my weight goals or I'll go into a trance and kill people.

Then again, if I keep people, I'll end up in prison because I don't think this whole "hypnosis cd made me do it" defense will work.  Prison means long walks through hallways, bad food I won't want to eat, and the constant performance of sex acts so my new scary cellmate/girlfriend who is in prison for chopping her husband to pieces can get M&Ms and smokes.  All of that will make me lose weight too, so either way, I should be shedding more pounds.

Also, what the fuck is this?  Porn for Christians?  Is this site real or someone's total trolling thing? It's honestly getting to the point where I can't even tell anymore. That's strangely exciting, actually.

A couple of things about this . . . first of all, the Christian porn titles suck as much as regular porn titles.  I guess that's a given though.  Second of all, this is a completely bad idea.  Porn is supposed to be arousing. No one finds the idea of married people having sex arousing.  And Christians aren't sexy.

Okay, some of them are.  The rare few. Most of them look like that Fred Phelps dude and his wife though.  Eeee. You know, honestly, as ugly as those two are, we should all really be protesting them having sex.  It's a rather nasty thought.

Speaking of things that are both disgusting visually and a bad idea, it seems the government has decided to put really horrible pictures on cigarette packages now to show people what will happen to them . . . you know, maybe. Look, I'm not a smoker, but this is just a pointless waste of money, time, and resources.

Do they not ever TALK to people? People are rather spiteful beings who either don't think things will happen to them or just don't give a fuck if it does happen.  They will look at the adds of mangled teeth and the smoke coming out of the neck hole, shrug, roll their eyes, and light up.  This tactic is useless.

I'm sure the health nazis thing this is a great plan though.  They probably have future plans for the rest of us with bad habits out there.  Soon when I get my cheeseburger from McDonald's, there will be a picture of some fat woman eating a cheeseburger on it. Though, I'm already fat so what's the point? Oh! I guess they could just put a mirror on the package, so you can see yourself eating the burger and somehow feel shame or something.

If they really want people to lose weight and stop smoking, they should make them watch those boring Christian pornos over and over again til they either swear off their bad habits or bed for death.

Ahh yes! We cover so much ground here!

And also, I think I'm going to have nightmares.

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