Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Flickering Lights

I have new glasses and for the first time ever, I have transition lenses. I'm happy about this because it is far more convenient for me. For years, I've been one of those people who had to pull out my prescription sunglasses from my purse when I needed to be shielded from that giant ball in the sky.  Now I can just let the glasses glide into darkness and protect me. Yay.

I love the new frames. I chose them because they made me look smug and I like looking smug. They're less tall than my last glasses and slightly more wide. I'm fine with the less tall part, but the width is giving me some issues.

A while back, my roommate told me about this odd new experience in his life. Since he started wearing his new glasses, he's been seeing things out of the corner of his eye. Small things. He sometimes just saw shadows. He would assume they were the cats or the shadows of the cats, only to realize the cats were no where around. When he told me about this, he said I looked at him like I thought he was crazy. I didn't think he was crazy. I just mostly hoped it was some kind of trick of the light and not the house suddenly increasing in the population of ghost cats.

Now that I have my new glasses, I have a better understanding of this phenomena of seeing stuff that isn't there. I've started seeing flickering lights in the corner of my eye. It isn't an all the time thing. There is a certain level of light where it starts happening. Once that level hits, I've started, on occasion, seeing this flicker of lights playing around the edges of the room.

I know it's probably the width of the glasses reflecting one of the lamps in the room. Logically, I know this is what it is, even if my mind does come up with all kinds of fun alternative ideas. It's probably something I'll get used to, though it's distracting enough that I don't think Ill ever NOT notice it.

So anyway, that's the new fun thing with the glasses. I now have smugness and flickering lights. Oh the joy.

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