Friday, July 25, 2014

Better Days and Easier Evenings

Today was better than yesterday. I still had some hot flashes, but as I was in a better AC situation, they weren't as extreme as they can be. One of the things they tell you about hot flashes is just not to get hot. That seems somewhat obvious and simple, but it's also very true. The less time you spend with your body temp rising, the less likely you are to hit a flash. It doesn't always work out that way, but it helps. It's also far easier to suffer through a hot flash if you can very quickly cool your body down. That's more difficult to do when the room around you is hot as hell too.

I've not talked about this (that I recall) but I've made some changes to how I eat. Part of this has to do with caloric intake, but mostly it is about how I feel during the night, especially when I have hot flashes. I've started trying to eat my major meal of the day as my noon meal and then eat a far lighter dinner. Usually this will be a salad and a light protein. On nights when I'm really not feeling that great, it ends up just being something like yogurt.

It has really made a difference in how I feel for the rest of the evening. When you're recovering from surgery (and going through menopause) there are a lot of times when nausea is a major part of your life. To be honest, sometimes meals seem like a burden. I'm more hungry in the morning and during the afternoon than I ever am during the evenings these days. There are times when the idea of eating an evening meal seems horrible, but if I know it's going to be something very light, I'm more comfortable with it.

For instance, tomorrow night, I'll be dining on fresh tomatoes that our neighbor brought us. My roommate cut and dressed them this evening, so they'll be excellent by tomorrow night. Depending on how many there are, I'll either eat only those or maybe eat them with some tuna or cheese. Still, a nice, light meal. One that I can actually look forward to.

So eating this way is another example of how things have changed for me. This is one change I'm pretty happy with though. It arrived out of some unpleasantness, but overall, I think there will be a lot of benefit from it.

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