Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Radiation Updation

I went to the place in Fort Smith to discuss my radiation options. The doctor said she wasn't even sure if I needed it, but would consult with her colleagues to make sure. You have no idea how seriously I'm hoping she says they agree with her. I would really like to avoid this. Anyway, I won't know for another two weeks or so. This means I get to just take my mind off of it for a while. Thank heavens.

The place was nice and easy to find. I felt pretty comfortable there, and that is always good when you know you may have to go back to a place, strip off your clothes, and let them stick things into your body. I liked the doctor too. She talked TO me and not AT me, which is always nice. I think if I end up having to have the treatment, things should be okay.

It was ungodly hot the whole time we were in town and when we got home, it stormed. The internet was knocked out for a couple of hours, but eventually it came back on. The nice thing about the storm is that it really cooled things down. This was nice because it's supposed to go back to ungodly hot for the rest of the week.

I didn't get to walk this morning because of the appointment, nor this afternoon because of the storm. Then again, I did walk through the building forever and I at least walked out to the curb to set out trash, so that's something. As much as I hate the walking (and I do), I know that my body feels better after the movement. I don't want to get back to being stiff.

I'm pretty exhausted after today, both physically and emotionally. I'm going to just try and zone out on the emotional level and NOT think about cancer and stuff for a while. I need that. I think we all need that.

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