Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hope and Stuff

Last night was the 4th and my roommate and I did our usual ritual of sitting on the front porch and watching the city's fireworks display. This year's wasn't as big as they've been in the past, but I'm not surprised. Money is tight all around. Still, we had a great time with what we got to see. We don't usually have a lot of stuff to anticipate, so the hours as it gets dark before the show is always a lot of fun. Anticipation of that kind isn't something you get to experience all that often as an adult.

Today was fairly neutral. I walked and tried to just exist. I'm less tired than I have been, which is a nice change of pace. I'm trying not to get too excited about Monday, but, as I said in the last post, I'm somewhat hopeful. I really need that not to be misplaced. Seriously, you have no idea how much I need all of this medical stuff to be over. It's just too much to handle for long extended periods of time.

I'd also like to get back to the other normal parts of my life, like working with yarn and not just blogging about the woes of my body.  I'd like to blog about all the other stuff that I used to obsess over. I miss that. I've tried to do it a couple of times lately, but I just can't focus on anything but this. Maybe I can soon. It would be a nice change.

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