Friday, April 17, 2015

Days of LJ Past

One of the weird side effects of this whole Puppygate thing is that it's made me miss something. Well, honestly, the Sad Puppies didn't do that part. George Martin did, because he still posts everything on LiveJournal. It's been years since I've been around LJ and I'd forgotten how comforting the format is. The whole thing almost makes me want to open a new account.

That's one of the really strange things about the internet. There was a time, when I went to LJ everyday. And yes, I know I've posted about this before. Still though, it makes me realize how easy it is to abandon internet things that, truthfully, once made you deeply happy.

I was never as good at LJ as I am with FB and my blog here. I would post stuff, but never frequently. With FB, I post at least a link every day. And here, well, of course, I blog almost everyday. I guess in a way, this is closer to that experience, though it certainly doesn't feel as teenagerish. Yes, I realize I was FAR from a teenager when I was using LJ.

Still, I was never able to really commit to keeping my LJ current the way I do the blog. Maybe it's because a lot of the circumstances have changed for me. I am more healthy than I was back then, in several ways. I'm also more aware of how valuable it is to document what's going on in my life. Being able to look up what was happening a few years ago, or even last year, is very worthwhile. Given that as I age, my memory is getting more and more sketchy, this keeps me in line.

I never would have done that with LJ. I really admire GRRM's commitment to it.

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