Saturday, April 4, 2015

Pregnancy Shaming

I was scrolling through Facebook when I came across this article. It's a small bit on a news show where the weather anchor talks about how she's receiving hate mail because she's pregnant. This isn't from people who are against children. It's from people who object to the fact that her body looks pregnant. Seriously, that's what they are angry about.

Okay, so........really? This just baffles me. As much as I think it's insane and stupid when people email/twitter/otherwise their anger about issues that they truly feel passionate about, doing so over how someone looks while they are pregnant is a level of insanity that I didn't even think possible. That's like Mariana Trench level insanity. Someone is pregnant and you have so little else to do in your life that you took the time to write about how bad they look? You took the time to insult them, to attack them, over a normal, natural process of their body?

When we blast others about stuff, we're actually saying a lot about ourselves. Think about that. People who really had no opinion of you at all now believe you to be nothing more than some critical asshole. I get that people crave attention, but honestly, is being acknowledged as an asshole REALLY better than not being acknowledged at all?

If you have to write/tweet/email people you don't know, why not do so to the people you actually life? Why not send words of praise in hopes those people will continue to do the stuff you like? Isn't that a whole hell of a lot more productive than sending mail to people who will just view you as an asshole?

I am, literally, shaking my head.

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