Thursday, April 23, 2015

Woes of the Lazy Cat Lady

I am probably like the world's worst person at folding and putting up my clothes. They tend to live in the 'clean clothes' basket and I pull them out as needed. Yes, I know what level of slacker that makes me. Today, however, I was thwarted by the cat.

The cat likes to climb into my clothes and hide there. During non-flea times of the year, that is just fine (other than a bit of cat hair), but this IS flea season and I really don't want that ickiness in my clothing. At first, I thought maybe I could just pull her out a couple of times and she'd get the hint. What the hell was I thinking? This is the cat who still doesn't understand why I don't want her sitting on my hand as I try to type.

So all the clothes were put away and some of them even properly folded. The winter things were put into storage (storage=some plastic containers in my room) all the stuff is sorted. I feel almost like a responsible adult, except not really because I know I'm totally not.

I did get a bit of revenge though. The cat jumped into that empty laundry basket and was quite angry that nothing soft cushioned her. Hah! Take that, kitty! Yes, I understand the level of Cat Lady I'm perpetuating here.

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