Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Writing for Fluffing

The Puppygate war continues. The Sad Puppies (and their worst allies, who call themselves Rabid Puppies) are angry and defensive now that people are upset that they gamed the system to fill the Hugos with their nominations. Voting No Award is always an option and some people have said they will do this. Of course, some of the Puppies are claiming if No Award wins, they'll cause even more problems next year. In a new round of insanity,

Supporting Membership for Worldcon has gone up by 1300 members in the last two days. Presenters are backing out. Some people who were nominated are also backing out. Some of the Puppies are wondering why people are so angry that they just want a voice and a say in things, trying to turn the argument away from the fact that they used underhanded (thought still legal) tactics to rig the nominations. Many blog posts are being written (including mine, yes I know) and, as one author said, way too many words and time has been up into this.

The Puppies feel they're the ones being kicked out the door here, but I think they're missing some basic points. They have this idea that many writers are 'pandering' to current political ideals and only adding characters who are diverse because said writers feel it's the only way to get approval. That may be the case for some authors, but it's not for all.

Trends change. People grow tired of the same kind of character doing the same kind of thing. And yes, some tropes never get old. Others, however, kinda do. New options get explored. It isn't like this is the first time that trends in SFF have changed. Though, I suppose it's the first time they've changed where white straight menz weren't still the dominate circle. And let's face it. No matter what they say, that is the real reason this isn't happening.

I'm a writer. Sure, the major thing I produce is this blog that about 8 of ya'll read, but it doesn't change the fact that I have worlds in my head. Some of you have gotten the chance to be a part of these worlds and seem better for it. Will I write about them and publish that one day? Maybe. I don't know. I hope so.

If I do, it's not going to bother me if I don't win awards about it. My stories are my stories. My worlds are my worlds. A writer tells the stories she needs to tell. It isn't about winning stuff or recognition. It's about those stories being out there. The fact that these people are so hellbent on having people fluff them and tell them how great they are is kinda sad.

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